9 Things I No Longer Believe About God

All belief is based on the Bible.

I’m currently working through a book called “Stuff I’d Only Tell God” by Jennifer Dukes Lee. This morning it raised an interesting question. And if you know anything about me, I have plenty of questions. What are things I no longer believe about God? It didn’t take long to come up with the first 9, and I’m sure I’ll think of more, but here are the first 9 things I no longer believe about God:

1 God is Fair.

God isn’t fair. He’s just. There’s a difference. Fairness implies equality. The whole concept of “Affirmative Action” is based on making up for the inequality many minorities face. Just doesn’t mean equality on this side of heaven. God deals us all a different hand in this life. To some He gives 5 “talents”, to others He gives 2 or even 1. I know people who have a hard time with that parable because it just doesn’t seem fair. They’re right. It isn’t fair, but shows that God is just. (Matthew 25: 14-30)

2. Right always wins.

Sometimes justice won’t come until the Day of Judgement. There are sins that will not be known or accounted for on this side of heaven. There are people who will seemingly get away with murder and think they’ve escaped all punishment. I have to trust that God will deal with them in justice on Judgement Day when right will ultimately win. (Luke 12:2-3, Matthew 10:26, 1 Timothy 5:24)

3. God chooses a side in politics and wars.

Politicians and warriors (just like all the rest of us) choose whether or not to be on God’s side, and God works in the lives of His people. Sometimes that means victory for a political party or army, but many times it doesn’t. (Romans 13:2, Psalm 146:3, Rev. 13:7)

4. God rejoices when the wicked die in their sins.

Even someone who rejects God is created in His image, and God is grieved when they reject Him. Yes, even absolutely horrible people like Hitler caused God to grieve. God wants all people to come into a relationship with Him. (Genesis 6:6)

5. God protects His children from the evil in this world.

God guards our souls, not necessarily the bodies we will leave behind unless it glorifies Him. If God didn’t spare His own Son’s body from the evil in this world and allowed Him to be crucified, why would we assume He will protect our physical bodies. My soul is far more valuable. (Matthew 20:17-19)

6. God wants me to be happy.

God wants me to be holy, which is often a painful process. C.S. Lewis once said, “We are not necessarily doubting that God will do what’s best for us. We are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.”The truth is that Jesus promised us anything but happiness on this side of Heaven. (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)

7. God will punish me when I fail to forgive others.

Unforgiveness is its own prison, and I only punish myself when I fail to forgive. Free forgiveness is a precious thing. Freely we’ve been given forgiveness. Freely giving that forgiveness releases us from that prison and allows that freedom to be shared. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have boundaries or accountability. God wants all of us to see that we don’t have to live as a slave to our own hurt and personal grudges. (Galatians 5:1, Matthew 18:22-23, Ephesians 4:31)

8. God works on the same timeline as me.

God created time because He knew we couldn’t handle everything happening at once. Assuming that God is limited by time puts Him in a very small box. He works in and through time. Time is also one of the tools He uses to teach me patience. (Ecclesiastes 3:11, Proverbs 27:1, 2 Peter 3:8-9)

9. I can mess up God’s plan by not obeying Him.

Pride tells me I have the power to manipulate God or mess up His work in any way. God already knows what I will choose, and He can use even my disobedience to work out His plan. (Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 3:20, Proverbs 16:9)

What about you? What are some things you no longer believe about God? Leave a comment below.

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